sj bike party

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sj bike party

master dubfly
fixies! come join this critical massive movement going on in our valley. sj bike party has had 2 successful rides these past 2 months with 30 riders showing up in october and 30 riders last friday. we meet between 8-830pm on every 3rd fridays in the parking lot next to the downtown campbell light rail station. we ride to downtown san jose and end up at the 12th street art gallery (12th & taylor). bring what you like. dress how you like. bring who you like. 30 riders is just not enough so, the more the merrier! it would be great if everyone here comes out to our next ride. we could possibly double our numbers on our next ride! feel free to ask anything you would like to know...anything! next ride 12.21, be there or be [ ].
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Re: sj bike party

i am sooo psyched for the december ride!  bad sweaters and billiards, bring it on!

i've got to get my -theoretical- sound system rocking before the january ride...
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Re: sj bike party

In reply to this post by master dubfly
Sounds fun. I'm in.
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Re: sj bike party

master dubfly
In reply to this post by master dubfly
man, that would be sick!  a bike rigged up with a sound system?!  wicked!

i'm thinking of rigging up some x-mas lights around my frame.  wear a santa hat too.  can't forget my bike "juice" to keep the blood warm...that's a must.

i hope everyone here can make it.  as soon as i'm aware of the route, i'll share with everyone here with the link.
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Re: sj bike party

master dubfly
In reply to this post by master dubfly
alright y'all, here's some more info about december's ride and january's ride

December Ride
Bad Sweater Extravaganza!
Friday, December 21st at 8:30 PM
Meet at Khartoum's parking lot
Right next to downtown Campbell Light Rail Station
300 Orchard St, Campbell CA 95008

Who can wear the worst Christmas sweater? We have prizes for the worst!!

January Ride
80's Rock Stars
January 18 at 8:30 PM
Join us as we ride through Santana Row, Valley Fair parking garages and pick up a friend at the airport. We will end our ride with karaoke!!! (At 4th St Bowl)