my sekai, a really cheap conversion has been failing me.
I've had so many problems with this bike. from getting flats in matter of minutes, to not riding straight.
I've been meaning to get a new bike, an actual track bike for a while now. and I kept holding out on it, because my bike is still holding out. Just recently, more like couple hours ago, Im over this conversion failure of a bike. the stock stem just snapped.

Im going to give up on this frame. These failures have only been signs that, I need a new bike.
Anyone willing to part with their track frames (preferably 51.5cm-53cm), and sell it to me? Im looking for a beater frame, nothing too fancy, if nothing comes up, it's going to be an IRO Mark V (?)
oh. might as well post some of your stories of your bad experiences on bikes if you have no frame to offer me