Where do you guys get your bags

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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Jeff ES EF
Goddaaaymmmn! These little hip utility batman belt things are the new hype! To the BATCAVE!!

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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Hey thyna I'll take a green one too!
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by Jeff ES EF
i would SOOOO take a utili-belt if someone came out with a non-handyman looking one. like a hippack with a totally separate cell-phone and ipod pocket. maybe 3 pockets. i dunno. it would be fun. and maybe a zip-line that shot out too.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

What you guys think bout these superhero belts?

Thank you for not smoking without me.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by FazeOne
LOL remember when I left my red fannypack in thymai's car?  =D
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

OK I have the Bags..

Blue:                  Green:
Climbrock            JeffSF
Self Dizolve         FazeOne
Man Jose            JimSantos

I'll be there @6:45 at the fountain to drop it off tomorrow.

Wilson I'll have the cog for you too.