Where do you guys get your bags

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Where do you guys get your bags

So I don't think I'm gonna use a saddle bag on my new bike. Want something small that can carry enough tools, tubes and maybe a lock.

Messenger bags are too big, I've been eyeing the Timbuk2 slant. but that thing is $80.

I saw a couple guys wearing a hip bag of some sort, didn't really consider something like that until yesterday. Always had this image of a neon fanny pack when I think of hip "bags".

Anyway, are those things expensive? I'm eventually gonna make my own so I don't want to spend too much right now.

and here's a little tease, it's not done yet but ridable. Infact, I had my first fall today.

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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Jeff ES EF
Goodshit! KILOOOO! But hmmm, about hipbags or fannypack things. Just dig harder in your garage and find a fannypack! I have like plenty at home and they're all neon colors. I'm gonna rock a neon green fanny pack next time lol. I'll sell you one for like $5 or something. Hell, I'll find you one with waffle fries fo FREE.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

LOL...I don't wanna look like my dad. a fishing hat and a neon fanny pack....

I already feel old enough around you young'ins.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Jeff ES EF
Yeah, my leather fanny pack broke when I fell once and stopped using it. Then I just said fuck it and bought a Chrome HipBone. It's pretty nice! I just wanna find some shitty old chrome messenger and cut the buckle and strap off to use as the belt for the pouch since it doesn't come with one. But it costed me about $40.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by climbarock
Bike looks good man. I would just rock a fanny pack. They do the job and can be had for around 5-10 bucks, depending on where you get it.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by climbarock
I just got my hip pack in the mail.  She made it out of recycled inner tubes, kind of pricey ($60) but I am happy with it.  You can choose whatever color inside lining, nice person on the phone.  

Freight is also a good brand for hip packs from what I hear.  I still suggest you get a big bag for the days the weather plays tricks on you.  


Thank you for not smoking without me.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by Citify
Yea, maybe that's a better solution until I have some time. The sewing machine is just sitting there, wanting to be touched.

Making a bag can't be that hard.

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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by climbarock
You're right about the levers and the stem...FUGLY... the Deda looks a lot better! Anyways, I can pick you up one like mine...just give me $3, with a little modification you can put the u-lock on it like the one I had yesterday...let me know what color you want though. Navy Blue or Hunter Green.

This goes for everyone who wants one.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Jeff ES EF
I want a hunter green, Thyna!  Yesssss!
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by thyna-mao
did you say $3? that's cheap. forget making my own bag.

I'd love a blue one.


on a lighter note: I have no idea how to stop without using the brake. Am I suppose to shift my weight? or just resist the pedals as hard as I can?

man, this is hard.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

OK...I'll wait a few days to see if anyone else wants one so I can make one trip.

(JinWS) It's hard to explain...with enough pressure on the strong leg you can pull off the skid/stop motion while pulling up on the opposite leg. You'll get soon enough.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by climbarock

watch some youtube videos and stuff, or just come out and ride with us and you'll get a better idea instead of us trying to type it out and describe it online...

i learned by myself on a smooth ground on campus... it's fun once you get it down...
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by thyna-mao
well, i guess that's just one more reason to come out and ride. I'm also having problems with the toe clip/strap things. can't seem to shove my foot in them. Practice,practice,practice.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Jeff ES EF
That's right, bro. Gotta practice until it's like natural and you don't even think about that. Be ONE with your bike...
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by cacks
i have a freight that i won at a race, and its decent. it fits a 24oz no problem, a 32 as long at there is nothing else, and has an inner pocket and a u-lock place. if you dont want a fanny pack, you can find other, more boxy, less touristy kinds probably at REI or some other outdoor place, thats what some of my friends do.
as for skidding, just lock the leg. it takes a few tries, but once you get it, you GET it.
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Just keep riding! Once those leg muscles develop you'll get it. Its an unnatural motion at first, but once you get to riding a lot more the motion will be come like second nature to you. Just get on those pedals.

btw- Youtube wont teach you shit. hahah. (I had to!)
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

thanks, I guess it takes different muscles. I tried locking up the wheels but can't seem to do it, partly because I'm scared.

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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

In reply to this post by thyna-mao
I will take a blue one!
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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

Thyna that bag looks really convenient Ill take one in green if you have time.

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Re: Where do you guys get your bags

OK so far the tally is 2 green 2 blue.