So, my knees started clicking 2 days ago. I ignored it and kept riding. Today i can barely walk. FUCKIN SUCKS! I cant fuckin ride a bike. I even got on my road bike and tried riding that but it still was more fucked up then ever. So just a heads up to you all; If your knees start clicking, stop riding.
Don't ignore your knees. Once theyre out, theyre out. Im going to have to give my knees a good rest. Im hoping that in a few days all will be well, but ive read and was told i should give it a week if not two weeks. Im really not sure if i could be off of a bike for that long. sonofabitches.
Ive started taking glucosamine joint medication and ibuprofen. I guess i just have to be taking that stuff consitently for a while.
Take care of your knees. Im still pretty pissed off about my knees, it just feels like a step back. sonofashit. Oh well.

Will be drinking instead of riding. haha.