I'm a 21 year old UCSD senior who is from Cupertino, CA. I used to work at GoKart Racer in Burlingame (some of you may have been to it) and basically motorsports is my main passion. I do outdoor karting and am looking to drive Formula cars soon. Anyway I've always been into cycling but last year my roommate introduced me to fixed gears. After researching and buying a used Pista (yes, I know) I felt it was a good learners bike and I would progress from there. Well fast forward 8 months to the present and I can't get enough of it. I use it to commute to school, bomb the parking lots and structures at school, and the lovely San Diego hills that remind me of SF. Basically I love my bike and treat it with affection as if it were my own child and now I have been bitten by the bug of upgrading everything on the bike and even thinking of moving to a new frame.