For Sale/Trade PART 2?

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Re: WTB: White saddle

^^ got any standards in terms of condition?
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Re: WTB: White saddle

don't really care just as long no big tears
=Sokha M.
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Re: For Sale/Trade PART 2?

In reply to this post by benitosan
I need a right friction shifter for an old road bike. I know someone has to have one off of a converted bike. thyna?
and does anybody know where to go for tt brake levers cheap?
and can I run a brake on a non machined wheel? with similar coating of that of a mavic ma-40 or gel280/330? I'm not sure if it'll mess it up of if it will be ok.  
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Re: WTB: White saddle

In reply to this post by ThaValleyFixedGear
Hey ThaValleyFixedGear.... Here are some pics of my used vette italia gel turbo there's a minor little tear near the left rear turbo, but aside from a few scuff marks, it's in decent condition. check it out Photobucket
Photobucket I'll be on the ride tomorrow, so if you're gonna be there, i can just bring it along for you to check out.
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Re: WTB: White saddle----(ThaValleyFixedGear)

edit:This is Sokha (ThaValleyFixedGear):  how much you wanna let it go for? or let me know if you wanna do a trade, what do you need?
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Re: WTB: White saddle----(ThaValleyFixedGear)

hey man, i'm going to be on the ride, so ill bring it with me just in case (i'm the dude with the red gitane).
and much are you willing to pay for it?
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Re: WTB: White saddle----(ThaValleyFixedGear)

i don't know....$10-15 or trade for something, let me know what you need?
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Re: WTB: White saddle----(ThaValleyFixedGear)

naw i really don't need anything.
and idk..i think i'd wanna let go of this saddle for at least 35 or so i could get around 1/2 of what i originally paid for it.