velocity tour!

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velocity tour!


Velo City is rolling into the bay area! Saturday may 10 is the SF leg of the velo city tour. We will start registration at 11am and I would like to start racing by 12noon, I know that is a little unrealistic, but 12:30 at the latest we will begin the program. Winner in the messenger category gets a round trip ticket to the Cycle Messenger World Championships. There will be tons of prizes, Chromebags, Velocity Rims, Swobo Frameset and tons of other cool urban bike gear.

who's coming?! and if you don't want to race they allow drinking in the stands so come and cheer on!
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Re: velocity tour!

I was planning on coming through to watch. Anyone down to BBQ and have some beers?
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Re: velocity tour!

BBQ and beer! Im down! Lets go. Are we just gonna take the train up there? Whats the plan? Lets get it all figured out. Who wants to go?
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Re: velocity tour!

damn that sounds hella fun...
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Re: velocity tour!

In reply to this post by Maurice
where were you guys?!
I got third and there was a bbq and beer
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Re: velocity tour!

i was there... i even held ur ass in the 3man 1lap sprints, mmm ur pink shorts soo creamy soft, ur ass so firm... yeah, where were the rest of SJfixed?  you guys said u were coming, so we left and went to Tofoo Komchai and SkiddyHall.