Re: SF to SJ part 2
Posted by benitosan on
i was hoping to do this on a Sunday as well, this weekthen i will be out of town 12/16 (Sun) thru 12/23 (Sun). this Saturday is the SFfixed's Supermarket Sweep Alleycat, so headcount, who's in for this Sunday 12/9? we should start around 10am cuz of the daylight adjustments. if we leave reasonably on time and barring any major stops, ride time should be around 3 1/2-4 hrs at a leisurely pace, with a few breaks and stuff, this ride should take no more than 4 1/2-5hrs. everyone that's coming needs to be in SF by 10am, that means SJ peeps need to be on the 8am Caltrain that leaves Diridon and gets to SF by 930am, otherwise, we can meet at 11am which means SF needs to be on the 9am train that gets to SF by 1030am, but if we leave later than 11am, we risk riding in the dark. sorry so long, just want to be clear!