road rides on a fixed forum

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road rides on a fixed forum

let's do more road rides!  i just did Mt Diablo yesterday (it was so frickin cold, good).  i haven't done Mt Hamilton since last summer (it was so frickin hot, bad).  i haven't done Mt Tam in years... i heard Mt Davidson is a bitch too (has anyone done that?).  anyways, anyone on board for some mileage/climbing/descending some of the BayArea's tallest peaks?  fixies/trackbikes/brakeless need not apply, its waaay more fun (and practical and efficient) on a geared roadbike.  anyone? calling Maurice!
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

I'm always down for some climbing!
I have to get ready for a Mt Hamilton race on may 26, only 7 weeks to get my ass back in climbing shape! I'll be climbing thursday mornings, and I'll be climbing on the weekends whenever I don't have a race.

I'm free the last two weekends in April, and Sun may 4th.

There's sierra road, it's short but super steep, and part of the tour of California.
highway 9 towards Santa cruz but that's only a 45 min climb at most but there is a steep option that adds 30 minutes and is really fun.
there's a couple other steeper climbs heading to and from Mt Hamilton when you head further south before going up the mountain.
Theres old la honda which I've only been up once and down one other time.
and there's a climb in saratoga I like but it's really steep.

if we go with a bigger group I'd vote hamilton or highway 9 if it's just a few decent climbers we can do any of these.
and only hamilton and maybe 9 can be done single speed with front and rear brakes if you gear down and are a good climber no fixed! I did hamilton fixed with a 48x16 and I was dying!
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

i need to start doping if i'm gonna keep up with you on those rides... i was merely suggesting some fun
hilly roadrides, not a re-creation of the Tour of California hammerfest, let's keep this category realistic!
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

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I'm down, but can we go on some non-gnar rides to start off with for us non-climbers?
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

ok highway 9 is good and its way shorter than hamilton.

oh I forgot metcalf! that's really steep too!
Bennett you are a better climber than I am, you have nothing to worry about. let me know if you want to do a steep climb one of these days but we can do hamilton again on one of those weekends I'm free
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

Hamilton, Diablo, Tam, Whitney, Shasta, Everett, Fuji, Vesuvius, whatevs, let's all gear up and ride one of these weekends!  massive climbing not essential, but oh those fast downhills are really worth it.

ie. took me 1 1/2hrs to get up Hamilton, but only like 20mins? to descend!  took me 1 hr to get up Diablo and like 10mins? to descend, gears and brakes can be really fun!  also dangerous, i need a helmet if i'm gonna bomb the twisties and hairpins at 30-40-50mph, adrenaline rush!
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

I've been up Sierra lately and there are a few little hilly climbs adjacent to Piedmont Rd. close to my place, I'm up for a fun little ride if anyone wants to ride. Best if climbed in the early afternoons since it gets so windy up here in the evenings. I'll be out of town this weekend for Cambodian new years but I'm free after that.
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

Damn I've been off the saddle now for a couple weeks. Sucks with moving and all. Im down for some climbing but i believe i am in such bad shape i wont be able to last. Down to try though. Now i just need a bike with gears.
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

you shoulda kept that dope Colnago!  Cristos borrowed KyleNg's Colnago for Sunday's Mt Diablo ride and
it was sweet, reminded me of yours, but yours was definitely nicer and bling-er.  damn!
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

Shoulda but couldnt. Broke as a joke mang. Foreal.

At least it went to a really good owner. It was some older Italian guy that collects and still rides colnago's. Anyone know where i can get a decently good cheap roadie. 52cm.
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

I maybe maybe maybe might borrow one that you can use
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

You got a roadie i can borrow. :)
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

maybe.... I'd have to ask if I could borrow it, or if you could borrow it. it might be a tiny bit small but it's carbon. I'll ask
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

In reply to this post by benitosan
This spring weather makes it easier to get out of bed and back on the saddle. Will you guys be posting before you go? I'm free Thursday mornings although thats usually a mtb ride. Weekends you get the guys in full kit breathing down your neck, but I still like to do MonteBello Rd
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

Weekdays don't really work for me, but if we all plan out something well in advance I could probably get the morning off.
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

In reply to this post by Deco
Hey I'm usually free thursday mornings and want to get back on my mountain bike. where do you like to go?
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

We'll hit demo, saratoga gap.. How early can you get up, and what are you riding?
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

I'm doing Hamilton tomorrow morning but next week!
I have a giant ds1 full suspension, it's heavy! but I climb well enough. I've never done demo but I've heard it's great.
call or email me next week and we'll go for a ride. I can be ready by 6 but if you want to go earlier I might be able to get up.

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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

In reply to this post by benitosan
I'm riding tomorrow morning if anyone wants to go. maybe 10 or 11am call me if anyone wants to go. probably Hamilton or some of hamilton
or if anyone wants to try out something different I'm down

call me
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Re: road rides on a fixed forum

In reply to this post by benitosan
Ok I'm doing Hamilton this sunday! I'll be tired from racing the day before so I won't be going too fast but you have to be in good enough shape to finish the ride!

it's about a 50 mile trip from downtown and yes it's much harder than riding back from sf.
anybody interested? I'll carry your tools, innertubes, water, food, condoms, whatever! just come ride