my new whip

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my new whip

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What up fellas??? Never did a intro but my name is whorehey. Heard about the site from a kid at reeds helping me out with my nishiki(thanks homie) earlyier this year. Been hooked on fixed since. Cant make it to the tuesday rides but down for monday, if they are still in effect. But if any buddy is down for a santa clara/cupertino ride holla at ya boy.
yo valleyfixedgear our bikes will be reunited.

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Re: my new whip

i don't mean to get all SF-fixed classy/critical on you, but i want to point out:

1. bad seat angle, it should be level, you will pedal more efficiently when distributed more evenly.
2. bad bar angle, i don't use bullhorns, but they should be level and/or slightly down, not up.
3. bad front quick release lever position, it should be pointing rear or down, not up.
4. get some toe straps, get leather ones.

these comments were made more out of safety/functionality for you, not trying to punk your new ride!
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Re: my new whip

Its all good man. I fixed the saddle already that angle was freaken horrible. Thanks man.