cupertino swap meet

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cupertino swap meet


Swap meet at cupertino bike shop
lots of road stuff and there should be plenty of track stuff too. $2 entrance fee.
pretty cool swap meet

more info
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Re: cupertino swap meet

you got us beat. campbell is closer to cupertino than DT san jose.
plus you're way too fast.
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Re: cupertino swap meet

you could just drive and beat me there or leave before I do. I'll be driving cause I want a damn bike stand. I'm getting to be an old man and my back doesn't like leaning over the bike to work on it.

and I'm not that fast... I mean Shelly olds could still lap me...
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Re: cupertino swap meet

Maurice right?

what's up, I met you 2 weeks ago at SJSU.

Do you know if they have bike valet or secure bike parking? I'm gonna ride there with my bag, that way, I don't spend too much money. All I need are some lever, I just know I'll end up with a frame or something if there was a car.
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Re: cupertino swap meet

I don't think there is secure bike parking but bring a lock and you should be fine. cupertino is not a pretty good part of town and there are lots of people who will be walking around. and bike people too, not just people who will let your bike get jacked.
you might even be able to being your bike with you when you look around but not 100% on that
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Re: cupertino swap meet

that sickness is 2 blocks from my house. dope!
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Re: cupertino swap meet

In reply to this post by Maurice
Thanks, I have a rule about my bike. I never lock it in public. It has be with me or being watched by someone. I'll probably just grab the CX, no flats I hope. I'm out of tubes in that size.
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Re: cupertino swap meet

In reply to this post by Maurice
I went last year and i saw a bunch of people walking around with their bikes. Im sure if you guys ride up there you guys can just bike pile and it'll be cool. The swap meet is not too big. Just lock up the bikes to each other and all should be well.
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Re: cupertino swap meet

yeah it shouldn't be a big deal keeping the bikes safe. hey "climbarock" I'm guessing you rock climb too? I make regular trips to castle rock and my GF and I go to planet granite a couple times a week if you wanna come to either.
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Re: cupertino swap meet

Hey, it won't be an issue any more. I'm getting a ride there. I just realized I want a truing stand. Too big to carry on a bike.

Can I assume you go to the Sunnyvale location? or Belmont?

I used to work for PG when it was in Santa Clara, I set routes for a couple years, and taught the lead class. I don't climb much anymore, took a long break after I shattered my heel. Dislocated my knee last year trying to get back into climbing. I am however thinking about a membership at TouchStone bouldering gym in SJ DT.
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Re: cupertino swap meet

The touchstone in DT SJ is actually going out of business, so I think you'll have to go with a sunnyvale membership if you're looking for that. sucks about the injuries, I've been through some ups and downs with my climbing. well if you ever wanna get out there again, lemme know.