bike party this friday

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bike party this friday

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Re: bike party this friday

master dubfly
seeing the "shock-n-awe" affect from everyone while we rode through san jose international airport was priceless!!!  all 35 of us including our boom system in tow!!!!
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Re: bike party this friday

that sounds so sick... i was ridin in the city :)
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Re: bike party this friday

master dubfly
awe too bad. hmm, sjbp or ride sf? such hard decisions in life!  haha

it is truly something i will remember for the rest of my life.  didn't even know that there is an actual bike lane accessible from de la cruz near the long term parking/employee lot.  there was even sjpd trailing us as we got closer to terminal a...didn't attempt to interfere or put on his lights or anything.  like he knew what cali state law states...which we can ride on any public road unless there's a sign that states different (this includes highways/freeways!!! hmmmm )

the next one is already planned and ready to mobilize..i'll post it in a few.