You guys need rollers! HURRY! TRAIN!!!!

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You guys need rollers! HURRY! TRAIN!!!!

Weather is getting quite grey and its time to get on the rollers. Start training guys! Getting on some rollers is the best way to get your balance down. Its a pretty damn good investment imo. Theyre around $100 but definately worth it. Get some.
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Re: You guys need rollers! HURRY! TRAIN!!!!

hey it's not even that expensive. haha that sounds fun, anyways lets blaze and ride on that shit for three hours straight hahha
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Re: You guys need rollers! HURRY! TRAIN!!!!

Dion rides
In reply to this post by Citify

I was thinking about getting rollers, but I train for a bunch of different things, so I cross train EVERYTHING. I lift heavy weights, skip rope, bicycle ride (fixed, MTB downhill and dirtjump) and ride motorcycles - both dirt and street. When I was doing MMA, I took a class that was called "fighter training" and that's when I was inspired on doing a bit of everything. Hey, I think it's cool to bench a few hundred pounds and still be able to ride dirt bike single tracks, and still be able to roll for 40 miles on a fixed gear.

Do everything! Then drink beer afterward.
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Re: You guys need rollers! HURRY! TRAIN!!!!

ride with us on the SF-SJ ride Dion, i want to see the benefits of your cross-training on a 55+ fixed gear ride.
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Re: You guys need rollers! HURRY! TRAIN!!!!

Dion rides
I'm too fat.

J/K - I'll look into my schedule! Are the SJ folks going to drive or BART up to the city? Eh, I'll chime in that thread.
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Re: You guys need rollers! HURRY! TRAIN!!!!

In reply to this post by tinaballs
we could watch a movie on the rollers, like breaking away. that way we can sprint with him very time lol. my place has lots of ventalation and loud ass speakers if anyone wants to do this.