Yay im new and intro and stuff

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Yay im new and intro and stuff

hi im christina. im the infamous dopesick/sopedick/fungis/chris's girlfriend.
i live in mo hill right now so im looking for people to hang out with and ride bikes.
i dunno what else is important....ummm i ride a white and pink mystery track frame (we think early 80's panasonic). anywho morgan hill is insanely boring so im looking forward to meeting up with people for stuff
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

Welcome Christina! We have a couple members in Mo Hill but one of them is out of commission. He has a "boo" now so he no longer rides. His name is Herb. hahah. Cool guy though.
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

haha it was cuz of my "boo" that i ride fixed in the first place, maybe he needs a new one....unless by "boo" you mean booboo, like his legs are broke or something.

Citify wrote
Welcome Christina! We have a couple members in Mo Hill but one of them is out of commission. He has a "boo" now so he no longer rides. His name is Herb. hahah. Cool guy though.
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

Naw youre right on with that one. hahaha. Even you know wassup. WOWOW!!!
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

wes m.
In reply to this post by Cupcake-2
Howdy. Last I heard from fungis is that he finally got clips and straps. I haven't been on bikeforums for a while now. How is he doing?
ride for fun
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

shasta wrote
Howdy. Last I heard from fungis is that he finally got clips and straps. I haven't been on bikeforums for a while now. How is he doing?
yup, he got clips and straps. he says cause he was tired of you guys making fun of him but i think it was cause he didnt wanna eat shit one day
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

i see another guy that rides around mo hill with a white track frame. i still have mi bicycle and will ride for the cause of morgan hill boredomness......ill see you around.

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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

Herb rides a bike?  I'll believe it when I see it and I prolly won't cuz Captain only rides his car to Starbucks I've heard...
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

HAHHAHA! On blast!!!
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

In reply to this post by herbMFreal
Herb Real wrote
i see another guy that rides around mo hill with a white track frame. i still have mi bicycle and will ride for the cause of morgan hill boredomness......ill see you around.

hell yeah herb its on. i have seen a total of no track bikes, other than when i do go the library and catch a glimps of my self in a window....anywho i have no job and no school so i just sit around all day. we should organize a mo hill alleycat. haha. yeah.
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Re: Yay im new and intro and stuff

In reply to this post by Citify
I'm originally from Morgan Hill, and I've only seen one track bike other than mine the whole time I was there. The best plan is to go out around lunch time and hook up with some Specialized workers during their break. They usually drop me after about 10 seconds but its good while it lasts. I agree though, Morgan Hill is way too boring and way too hot.