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Please allow myself to introduce......myself.

My name's Chris. I just got a black kilo tt that I use to commute from berryessa to deanza mon-thurs. I've seen a few other fixed bikes on campus, but none in the hood. If you see an e-taped up kilo in either of those spots, say hi, it's probly me. Peace

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Re: Wazup

What up Chris!

          I live right off of Berryessa and Capitol I ride to work M-F from 6:30am to Milpitas if you see a white  Pake or Red Capo or Blue Masi, that's me!
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Re: Wazup

fleet of red, white, and blue?  so patriotic, i like the way you think/coordinate/match your bikes Thyna!  
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Re: Wazup

In reply to this post by thyna-mao
Berryessa and Capitol eh? We're practically neighbors. I'm right off of Penetencia Creek. We'll probably run into each other one of these days.
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Re: Wazup

Welcome to the crew. Come out to the Tuesday rides.
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Re: Wazup

In reply to this post by benitosan
HA! I didn't even realize that till you said it...man I guess I have no excuse now not to get my Citizenship, I can't claim F.O.B no more.