Tuesday Ride 04/29/08...who's coming out? Flakengers need not show.

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Re: Tuesday Ride 04/29/08...who's coming out? Flakengers need not show.

thanks dude for the seatpost
ive actually riden with you before now that i think of it, many times actually just never introduced
i havent riden in like 2 months though but thanks to this seatpost, it will be going on my new bike
will be there next week hah
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Re: Tuesday Ride 04/29/08...who's coming out? Flakengers need not show.


I thought you guys wait til 7:15 or something. boooooo!! my class ran a few mins late I got to the event center around 7:10ish.
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Re: Tuesday Ride 04/29/08...who's coming out? Flakengers need not show.

they left at 705 haha shit
get jeffs phone number or something
are you still down to let me use your tools?
if so itd be tommorow night or on thursday...
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Re: Tuesday Ride 04/29/08...who's coming out? Flakengers need not show.

Jeff ES EF
Yeah, the phone number that you don't call!!!

Also, let's build up your KILO! I'd like to contribute!
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Re: Tuesday Ride 04/29/08...who's coming out? Flakengers need not show.

well you know, i thought i had enough time to get there. We usually never stay pass 7pm.

anyway, the Kilo is on hold til all the parts are in.