Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

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Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

Tuesday Night Ride
Fountain at SJSU event center

Lets ride.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

you riding tomorrow pavel? im gonna try to make it out to this

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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

Jeff ES EF
In reply to this post by Citify
Damn Mark, been a while since you came out! hahaha I'm dooooown
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

who's really gonna ride?
what about you saravel?
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

In reply to this post by Jeff ES EF
I'm there. but i'll be on a geared bike. Still no seatpost for the Kilo. I guess it'll be another week before we can be Kilo buddies.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

corporate p
In reply to this post by Citify
yeah, im down.  get the whole crew to come down danny...bring your girl too, she has enough bars to hang with these guys.

hahaha qunyh (note sarcasm).
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

I'll be there rolling on my 20"
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

I'll be at some econ lecture that starts at 6, if i get out early enough I'll ride.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

are you going for extra credit? my gf is also going to some econ lecture tomorrow night, for some extra credit.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

Awesome!!!!!!!! Tomorrow it is.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

Jeff ES EF
Where is we ridin'?!
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

In reply to this post by GoldenONE
i'm so not going to meet up with you guys since i'm a flake hahaha


ill be there and square
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

I say we do a 15-20 mile loop. Im such a noob now. My lungs are black and deathly so bare with me please. :) Not complaining just admitting the truth. haha. Now that the Sharks are out of the playoffs its time to get serious. or kinda. haha.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

corporate p
In reply to this post by Citify
right on ballet dude for lacing up my chain with grease.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

i hella wanted to make it out last night. next week for sure!!!
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

In reply to this post by Citify
yo mark, good times. thanks for the photos~ it was a  blast riding with you guys. hahaha next time ill ride behind you all
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

For sure, no prob! Alright guys i got the videos up. Its the same link.

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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

Jeff ES EF
Sick vids, Mark! Also, I'm hella not used to this GREEN and weird colors of the forum hhahahah
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

Yea, i was just playin with some options.
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Re: Tuesday Night Ride! Lets do it! 5/6 @ 6:45 @ the Fountain.

In reply to this post by Citify
awesome pictures. fun ride yesterday.

nice meeting everyone. beer was tasty.