Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

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Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

Huge game. Be there to support the Sharks and to drink a few gallons too. This is Game 7. If they win they move on to the next round.

We will probably go on a little ride afterwards. Pending on drunkness... Ill see you guys tomorrow.
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Re: Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

Jeff ES EF
Hahahah, dizzzooowwwnnnn!
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Re: Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

In reply to this post by Citify
I'm gonna roll through early to cop vip seating if I can get my car started.
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Re: Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

haha coo. But sorry guys. I wont be goin to Cluck U. Ill be goin to the game. Shits gonna be ufckin unts!!!!! Maybe ill see you guys after. Take it easy yall!! GET DRUNK shit!!!
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Re: Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

Jeff ES EF
WIN WIN WIN 5-3! Win!
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Re: Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

FUCK YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game 1 vs. Dallas Stars this Friday!!!!!!!!!!! GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!
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Re: Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

downtown was fucking nuts
cluck u was awesome but riding home past the arena was completely insane
road was closed off so it was just a giant crowd cheering
chris and me were riding past giving people high fives as we rode haha
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Re: Sharks Game at CLUCK U. 7:00! TUESDAY 4/22

Jeff ES EF
Hahahahah That's sick lol