Saturday Rides

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Saturday Rides

J Rawk
Hey, me and a few guys ride downtown SJ Sat nights.  We were looking to get a few more people for a ride.  If you guys don't have anything going let me know and join up with us.  We usually meet up around 6 or 7 p.m. and ride till 10-11 p.m.

Also if there's anyone that rides from Willow Glen let me know.  I haven't seen any other guys from around here.  Everyone seems to be from downtown or east SJ.
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Re: Saturday Rides

Kevin S
Me and Joey are gonna get his bike all set by this weekend! cant keep the jelopy off the streets.
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Re: Saturday Rides

J Rawk
Good, that death machine needs to be put to rest!  Get him a good rear wheel for starters.  Check these boards and craigslist.  I bet you can find Joe a cheap used rear wheel.
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Re: Saturday Rides

What part of Willow Glen you guys at?  I'm gonna be moving down by Branham next week
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Re: Saturday Rides

J Rawk
I live at Lincoln and Curtner and the guys I ride with live by Curtner and Union.