New comer / first time to ride fixed will joint you guys on Sunday the 10th.
I 'll be waiting for you in Campbell /85 around 1:PM
I think I know Mao - I bought some bike part twice from him -- White pike and drive DI water? :)
I'm sure my bike would be ready by next Sunday
Non alcohol but smoke. I don't eat dog but beef, pork & chicken
speedah (slow rider)
Re: Ride and BBQ. 8/10, Sunday. Ride starts @ 12pm to Vasona Park Los Gatos.
Yea thats cool man. So far i have 11 people who have paid. Let me know who else is planning on coming out and paying on Sunday, that way i can get enough food and booze. Thanks everyone.
So far i have 11 paid plus 3 including you, Sohka, that are paying on Sunday. So i guess its 14 people so far that are going to ride. Im sure more will end up coming out too.