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Hey all, cool site you've got here! Met a cat on the train who got me interested in group rides, recommended checking out your site. I work till 7 on tuesdays, might try to catch the tail end of your tues night rides.

oh yea, I ride a grey rush hour w/ armadillos (usually ride the freewheel on the street, but have been known to mash on the cog) around MV / SV / SJ. If you see me don't be afraid to say what up.
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Re: Introduction

that "cat" you met is actually an old "dog" (me), haha, my name is Bennett, i haven't been around SJ for
awhile, but i was there when this group started, yeah, you should do some SJ rides, they are known to be
fun, as well as end up with a "few" drinks, haha, remember that night when we rode through ValleyFair?  Herb crashed like 3x, JJ & Pavel crashed too, and Cosio ended up yakking all over the front of University Chicken, good times!  i'll try to make it out soon, oh yeah, watch out for Maurice, he likes skinsuits and ballet what a pansy!
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Re: Introduction

a pansy! I'm a man's man... or something like that.
and watch out for Bennett, he's old but one hell of a hill climber

Bennett come down and watch me race cat's hill! it's on sat the 26th in los gatos and it's got a 23% grade hill that we race up 12 times.
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Re: Introduction

WTF?  23% grade X 12?  sounds fun, maybe if it was 45% X 50 i might do it myself, but maybe i'll just watch you Maurice, hey sell anything at the Dolores Park swap?  i didn't see you leave.  talk soon.
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Re: Introduction

Bennet! When you gonna start comin down again? Weather should be lookin good soon.
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Re: Introduction

i'm aiming for May, i'm gonna start working 1/2days on Tuesdays/Thursdays at Stanford and ride more!
looks like SJfixed night rides are popular again, i wanna go to Santana Row and holla at some rich b*tches!
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Re: Introduction

Hollah all you want it's the skin suit those rick bitches are lookin at

I didn't have time to sell anything, I had rehearsal and was only there for like 45 minutes tops. you going to the cupertino one this sunday?
I should start a thread about that.
I need a decent brakeset and some other crap

see you there
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Re: Introduction

yeah, i'll prolly hit up Cupertino w/ my friend from San Mateo, i was there last year, it was ok, not great, but ok