Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

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Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

Hey everyone, i know you guys hate hearing this shit but im just lookin out. I will be wearing a helmet on longer rides from now on.

I got hit and run by a navy blue GMC pickup truck yesterday around 7:30pm on King Road in SJ. Chris, cwiss, was there with me but he didn't see the impact. I got hit by the truck on my left hip and i flew about 6 feet off my bike and landed on my head/face. Im alright. I think i got a minor concussion from it but im hoping im good. I didnt break anything. The bike is fine and im good.

Ive fallen on my head twice and have been hit by 2 pickup trucks now; its time to get a helmet. Im on my 3rd strike if i dont.

Everything happened so fast i wasnt able to get the license plate number or any info like that. I was just making sure i was alive and not bleeding to hell. The shock of the hit was fuckin ridiculous. Never have i gone through anything like that. License plate numbers and legality's are the last thing on your mind when your life flashes.

Be careful out there guys. Cars are stupid and so are some people. Take care of your life.

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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

deeeaaaamn. glad to hear you're okay mark. people on the eastside drive like sav's man.
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

In reply to this post by Citify
This is one of the reasons why I stay from that part of town I call "Little Mexico City" and "Little Saigon" Uninsured Aliens and Asian drivers are two bad combination. Gald you're ok man.
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

Don't you mean "Saigon Business District"? J/K

Glad you're doing okay mark!
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

Jeff ES EF
In reply to this post by Citify
FUUUUUUCK, That's like what happened to me. Did you get hit head on? Shit, how's your face though? I hope that driver dies, gets brought back to life, and then dies again just to feel it twice. Take care all fellow SJFixed riders!
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

In reply to this post by jeffree
Yea im ok. Just got this cut/scar/internal bleeding thing on the top right of my forehead/face. I wore a helmet today.
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

In reply to this post by Citify
glad to hear you (and your bike) are ok
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

In reply to this post by Citify
Damnnn man heal up and that's soo shitty to hear. What fucking sucks is that people on bikeforums are hella clowning you up...some people can be total douches.

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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

lil' j
In reply to this post by Citify
glad to here your good man.. you sounded kinda hazy yesterday morning.. I bought a helmet after we spoke.. it was a good confidence boost in the alleycat yesterday.. i told bennett and everyone who knows you that my i was wearing my helmet cuz ur DAMN fall.. you guyz live in sanjose., try hitting a civic or an integra.. they arent as big as trucks!!! lol.. get better and hopefully we'll ride soon..(in the eastbay!!??)
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

wes m.
In reply to this post by geeno
haha. What do you expect... bike forums is 95% complaining and making fun of people. If its any consolation my spicer frame was in the jackass thread before it even got to my house. It also has about 2 pages in a different thread of people telling me its going to implode and kill me.

Heres what I had to say about the bike:

"As for the BMC, riding an expensive track bike on the street is only mildly more absurd than riding a cheap track bike on the street. I'd ride it, couldn't afford it though. That dude is from my area so I'll probably see it on the street sometime."

ride for fun
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

I like seeing/ hearing about people talking shit. haha. Its hilarious. and plus...Its just the internet. No need to back my shit up. For those that know me, and have ridden with me before, know that i RIDE. I treasure real life relationships more than internet posts. hahha. I love this shit.

Jason, how'd that race go yesterday bro? I will make the next one.

Its fuckin nice outside today. GO RIDE YOUR BIKE. :) haha. Thanks guys!
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

In reply to this post by geeno
Who cares about the people who just critique online. Ride what you wanna ride and have the most fun you can.

ps: glad that you are OK after the accident!
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

In reply to this post by Citify
Glad you are OK and nothing serious.  Just read two cyclist got killed by a Santa Clara Sheriff of all people.  Be careful out there folks!

Thank you for not smoking without me.
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

hope you're okay and healing better Mark. Did you get ur cell back??? it's hard to get ahold of your ass. god bless
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet.

Yea im good. Finally got a cell phone too. Ill see you all tonight.
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet. Watch out for the haters, too.

In reply to this post by Citify
Glad to hear you're ok. Watch out for the haters out there, too. A few weeks ago the coast was clear on a red light so I ran it. This hater bitch in a Ford Focus didn't approve of it (even though I caused absolutely no danger to her) so her way of trying to punish me was by pulling into the bike lane in front of me and slamming her brakes on, forcing me to slam into the rear of her car. Well, she failed. I pulled in front of her and hawked a slimey loogey on her hood. Beware: Yellow Ford Focus, Hater Mexican Bitch!
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Re: Hey guys! Please consider wearing a helmet. Watch out for the haters, too.

good!! STUPID BITCH! HAHA that makes me so fucking mad. I just want to bring spark plugs and throw it at their windows.