Cannondale Capo

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Cannondale Capo

I'm pretty much getting a free frame set from cannondale (through warranty), all they want me to pay for is the headset and stem which is 30 bucks each. If I want the whole bike complete, its going to be 500+tax... I think that is kind of a rip off. I averaged it out all the other components its going to roughly be 420. I don’t know maybe my math is off, but should i go for the whole bike or just use all the stuff i have on my other bike.
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Re: Cannondale Capo

I would just get the frameset. You might eventually want to upgrade the components. This could save you money in the long run.
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Re: Cannondale Capo

thats what i was thinking, i heard mix reviews on the wheelset. They said they will sell me the crankset and bb for 70 bucks and the fork may come with the head set and the stem is gonna be 30 bucks. i think thats the only componenents i'm gonna buy from them. For 500 bucks i can buy a Pista at Reed's.haha
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Re: Cannondale Capo

Capo?ME want to see
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Re: Cannondale Capo

In reply to this post by dieslow
are you gonna get the bbq black, or the red and white? I liked the chrome one they did last year, too bad its gone :(
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Re: Cannondale Capo

yeah i'm gonna get that matte black frame. the only thing i dont like is that toy tag it has on the top tube. I will post it when i get the frame(if i ever do, feels like forever) and pieces together.
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Re: Cannondale Capo

In reply to this post by dieslow
I just go my new whip. yeee yeeee
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Re: Cannondale Capo

Awww Right!!! we can be like twins..I'll be the red evil one Pics Please.

Edit: This is Thyna

=Sokha M.
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Re: Cannondale Capo

will do...