Alleycat in SF 3/16 need team of 4!

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Alleycat in SF 3/16 need team of 4!

Anybody interested in doing an alleycat race this sunday in SF? we're supposed to have a team of 4, but we can still go with less than 4 and adopt some other loose members.
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Re: Alleycat in SF 3/16 need team of 4!

NOBODY wants to do this? come on!
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Re: Alleycat in SF 3/16 need team of 4!

*crickets chirping*

c'mon SJ get off ur butts, we rode 4hrs today, no rain!  tomorrow's alleycat involves beer, finding a leprechaun, more beer, going to irish pubs, more beer, and yeah, bikes too?  what more do you need?