7 pound fixed-gear climbing bike!

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7 pound fixed-gear climbing bike!

the july/august issue of road bike action magazine features an article on framebuilder nick crumpton and his one-off fixed-gear climbing bike that weighs 7.1 pounds.  estimated cost of the black beauty is roughly $14,000.  it's an amazing looking machine that features lots of carbon, ti and some aluminum.  the front brake lever assembly is nothing more than an L shaped piece of carbon attached to the brake cable, which is attached directly to the integrated carbon bar/stem combo.  here's the url to the story and some photos.  one can dream.  http://www.rbaction.net/fly.aspx?layout=content&taxid=96&cid=165

some live to work, i work to live
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Re: 7 pound fixed-gear climbing bike!

damn! I wonder how he shaved the extra 80g off his fork.

anyway, there are shops out there that does cutom bar/stem combos for you. you pick the bar  and stem, they bond it for you.
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Re: 7 pound fixed-gear climbing bike!

Thats a sick ass bike. WOW!